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Showing posts from March, 2021

Permantly delete an AD object

At the moment I am busy with PowerShell DSC scripts that also create objects within the Active Directory. Because it's work in progress you have to delete those objects regularly. Witin this sandbox environment the recycle bin feature is enabled so the objects are kept 30 days.  To permantly delete such objects (so you have a clean testing situation) you can use the following PowerShell command. Get-ADObject -filter {sAMAccountName -eq "<name of object>$"} -includeDeletedObjects -property * | Remove-ADObject

The command was found in the module PowerShellGet, but the module could not be loaded.

While testing a PowerShell DSC script deployed by Azure Automation on an Azure Virtual Machine I ran against the following error message:  The command <command> was found in the module PowerShellGet, but the module could not be loaded. What I tried to accomplish was automatically installing the PowerShell Az modules with the following PowerShell DSC script. # Import DSC modules Import-DscResource -ModuleName "PowerShellGet" -ModuleVersion 2.2.5 Node $AllNodes.NodeName { PSModule "Az" { Ensure = "Present" Name = "Az" Repository = "PSGallery" InstallationPolicy = "Trusted" AllowClobber = $true Force = $true RequiredVersion = 5.6.0 } } To solve this issue you also have to import the PackageManagement module because PowerShellGet has a dependency on this module. The correct version of the script is thus: # Import DSC modules Import...