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Azure Automation variables in Bicep

If you want to create an Azure Automation variable in Bicep you will use a resource definition like this. resource existingAutomationAccountResource 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts@2023-11-01' existing = { name: 'automationAccountName' } resource variablesResource 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables@2023-11-01' = { name: 'variableName' parent: existingAutomationAccountResource properties: { description: 'description' isEncrypted: 'false' value: 'value' } } For variables Azure Automation supports different types: String , Boolean , DateTime , Integer and Not Specified . Below you can find some examples how to define these values in Bicep format. String values should be put between double quotes. resource stringVariablesResource 'Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/variables@2023-11-01' = { name: 'stringVariable' parent: existingAutomationAccountResource ...
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